animago 2019: "ROCK PROJECT - Greed Day" by Platinum FMD, Flavio Albino and Fabio Bispo

Still Voting 2019

Win an animago ticket and choose in a two-stage voting the best still of the animago 2019! Outstanding 23 different contributions are available.

Out of 363 still submissions, our expert jury selected 23 outstanding pictures. Now it is time to determine the three nominees and from it the award winner, which will then be announced on 2 November at the award ceremony in Munich.

In the first voting you have to choose the best 3 stills as the nominees for Best Still 2019. You can assign a score of 0 to 10 to each image. The voting takes place on the website of the organizer of the animago, the DIGITAL PRODUCTION.

Among the participants of the first voting there are 2 tickets for the animago event to win. You can participate until Thursday, September 12, 2019 (extended from September 9th).

Click here for voting